On March 29, 2018 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the second meeting ofthe Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium". It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students. The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics.
The workshop will be held on Thursday at 5:30 pm, room 1108, BMSTU Laboratory Building, 2/18, Rubtsovskaya embankment.
Workshop secretary:
· Gargyants Lidia Vladimirovna
If you are going to come or with any questions, please write to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The workshop topic: Markushevich's ill-posed boundary-value problem for multiply connected domains with circular boundaries
The report will be given by MSU Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sabitov Ijad Khakovich.
On March 15, 2018 the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University held the first meeting ofthe Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium". The workshop covered the following topic:
On the simplicity and complexity of analytic functions of several variables
The report was given by MSU Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Valeriy Konstantinovich Beloshapka.
Here is the abstract of his report.
The study is concerned with the problem of measuring the complexity of analytic functions, i.e. the superimposition problem. The main focus is the function of two variables. In particular the study highlights three of Hilbert's thirteenth problems, explains why the function z = x + y is better than all the others, clarifies what simple solutions of mathphisical equations are like.
BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium
The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University opens the Scientific Workshop "BMSTU Mathematical Colloquium". It addresses a broad mathematical audience including keen students. The workshop aims to give listeners a general view of various areas of modern mathematics.
The workshop is held on Thursdays at 5:30 pm, room 1108, BMSTU Laboratory Building, 2/18, Rubtsovskaya embankment.
Workshop instructors:
· Manturov Vasiliy Olegovich
· Fedorovskiy Konstantin Yurevich
· Filinovskiy AlekseyVladislavovich
Workshop secretary:
· Gargyants Lidia Vladimirovna
If you are going to come or with any questions, please write to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
March 15, 2018
On the simplicity and complexity of analytic functions of several variables
Valeriy Konstantinovich Beloshapka (Moscow State University)
Abstract. The study is concerned with the problem of measuring the complexity of analytic functions, i.e. the superimposition problem. The main focus is the function of two variables. In particular the study highlights three of Hilbert's thirteenth problems, explains why the function z = x + y is better than all the others, clarifies what simple solutions of mathphisical equations are like.
March 29, 2018
Markushevich's ill-posed boundary-value problem for multiply connected domains with circular boundaries
Sabitov Ijad Khakovich (Moscow State University)
Заседание "Русского клуба"
Уважаемые коллеги! Дорогие друзья!
10 апреля 2018 года, в 15.00, в аудитории 212л, состоится заседание "Русского клуба", посвященное празднованию Нового года - Фестиваля воды - в Мьянме.
Приглашаются все желающие!
Студенческая весна Л4
Студенческая научно-техническая конференция "Студенческая весна" на немецком языке состоится 25 апреля в 15 40 в аудитории 622.
НМС 30 марта 2018
Veronika A. Pereslavtseva is a lecturer of English at English for Machine - Building Major Department at BMSTU University.
"A journey of a thousand li starts with a single step”
She graduated from Russian State Social University with the qualification «Linguist, Teacher of English and German».
Since 2016, she has been working at BMSTU University teaching English.
Professional interests: literature, neurobiology, methods of teaching languages, use of multimedia technologies in process of training.
Dear colleagues!
ITMO University together with the English Language Office of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow invites you to join the second International Conference in ESP "More than ESP: Empowering Students to Progress" in April 4-6, 2018
The Conference is devoted to the vital issue of adapting ESP teaching methods to today's student profile. Participants will discuss contemporary trends in ESP, as well as available ESP teaching methods. 25+ hands-on workshops and sessions will provide a valuable opportunity to gain practical knowledge in dealing with multiple challenges of teaching English to students of various majors. Participation in the Conference will be especially beneficial for university teachers and professors teaching English in non-linguistic institutions.
Конференция магистрантов Л3
Уважаемые коллеги!
Конференция магистрантов будет проходить 13 апреля в 12 часов в ауд. 403
Bauman Moscow State Technical University and Lomonosov Moscow State University held a joint meeting of the Academic Councils
On February 13, 2018 Bauman Moscow State Technical University and Lomonosov Moscow State University held a joint meeting of the Academic Councils in the hall of the Academic Council of the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University.
The meeting was devoted to the 25th anniversary of the signing of the agreement on the Universities' fraternity.
Such joint meetings are held every 5 years and traditionally the reсtors Viktor A. Sadovnichiy and Anatoliy A. Aleksandrov make their reports at the opening ceremony.
25 years ago the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, represented by Boris P. Nazarenko, the Dean of the Faculty in 1990-2011, offered an idea to enter in such an agreement, and since that time the joint meetings have been regularly held.
Должность: Teacher of the English Language, Faculty of Linguistics
Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Having graduated from Irkutsk State Linguistic University, I have been working in the field of teaching and education. Since 2014 I have been doing a postgraduate course in Linguistic Theory.