The Seminar leaders |
Программа заседаний 2016–2017 уч.г. |
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In 2017 Interuniversity Scientific Seminar on qualitative theory of differential equations celebrates its 15th anniversary.
The seminar was organized by scientists of Lomonosov Moscow State University and Bauman Moscow State Technical University on the basis of the Department of Higher Mathematics of Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (now Plekhanov Russian University of Economics) in 2002.
The seminar focuses on the issues of qualitative theory of differential equations, spectral analysis and applications.
Leading experts in the field of qualitative theory of differential equations and spectral analysis, as well as young specialists, graduate students and students take an active part in the Seminar.
The research team has numerous scientific contacts with various foreign universities.
The authors of the best reports of the Seminar are invited to the international conference on Qualitative theory of differential equations and applications and have an opportunity to publish the findings of the research in the annual collection of proceedings of the conference.
According to the results of the 10-year work of the Seminar, a monograph was published:
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Astashova A.V., Filinovskiy et al. Kachestvennye svoystva resheniy differentsialnykh uravneniy i smezhnye voprosy spektralnogo analiza [Qualitative properties of solutions of differential equations and related problems of spectral analysis]. Moscow, UNITY-DANA Publ., 2012.
Sessions of the Seminar are held on Saturdays in the building of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow, Nezhinskaya Str. 7), room 247.
For organizational matters, please contact the seminar leaders:
Astashova Irina Victorovna This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Filinovskiy Alexey Vladislavovich This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.