
Field of study (group of research specializations)



FN-1 "Higher Mathematics"

2.3 Information technology and telecommunications

2.3.1 Systems analysis, data management and processing, statistics

Formalization and formulation of problems involving systems analysis, optimization, management, decision-making, data processing and artificial intelligence

1.2 Computer science and information science

1.2.2 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages

Development of novel mathematical methods and algorithms for validating mathematical models of objects based on either empirical data or analysis of mathematical models

FN-2 "Applied Mathematics"

1.2 Computer science and information science

1.2.2 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages

Development of novel mathematical methods for simulating objects and phenomena (in physical and mathematical sciences)

FN-3 "Theoretical Mechanics"

1.1. Mathematics and Mechanics

1.1.7 Theoretical Mechanics, Dynamics of Machines

Theory of oscillations of mechanical systems

1.1. Mathematics and Mechanics

1.1.9 Fluid, Gas and Plasma Mechanics

Hydrostatics (fluids and gases at rest in equilibrium)

FN-4 "Physics"

1.1. Mathematics and Mechanics

1.1.9 Fluid, Gas and Plasma Mechanics

Laws of rheological behavior for homogeneous and multiphase fluid media subjected to mechanical loads and other effects

1.3. Physical Science

1.3.2. Instrumentation and methods of experimental physics

Investigating physical phenomena and processes that may be used to develop innovative instrumentation and methods for experimental physics

1.3.3. Theoretical Physics

Classical and quantum field theory. Theory of fundamental interactions. The study of small-scale high-energy phenomena. Unified models of fundamental interactions. Development of mathematical methods for field theory. Supergravity and superstring theory, models with extra dimensions, AdS/CFT correspondence, holographic models

1.3.6. Optics

Further investigation of the physical foundations of wave optics, including the physics underlying such phenomena as interference, diffraction, polarization and light coherence

1.3.8. Condensed Matter Physics

Analytical and experimental investigation of the physical nature and properties of inorganic and organic compounds in both crystalline (mono- and polycrystalline) and amorphous states, including composites and heterostructures, as determined by their chemical and isotopic composition, temperature and pressure

FN-5 "Chemistry"

1.4. Chemical science

1.4.4. Physical chemistry

Combining experimental and analytical approaches to determining the parameters describing the energy and structural dynamics underlying the structure of molecules and molecular compounds, as well as the spectral characteristics of said molecules and compounds

FN-11 "Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics"

1.2 Computer science and information science

1.2.2 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages

Development of numerical modeling and simulation systems, algorithms and methods of simulation modeling based on the analysis of mathematical models (for engineering sciences)

1.1. Mathematics and Mechanics

1.1.8. Mechanics of deformable solids

Laws of deformation, fault and failure evolution for materials, including natural, artificial and emergent ones

FN-12 "Mathematical Modeling"

1.2 Computer science and information science

1.2.2 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages

Development, validation and testing of efficient computational methods using modern computer technology



Field of study



Number of state-funded places/number of fee-paying places in 2024

FN-1 "Higher Mathematics"


Mathematics and Mechanics


Applied Mathematics

Mathematical modeling of systems and processes


FN-2 "Applied Mathematics"


Mathematics and Mechanics


Applied Mathematics



FN-3 "Theoretical Mechanics"


Mathematics and Mechanics


Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling

Applied celestial mechanics;

Simulation of mechanical and hydromechanical systems

Graduate program to appear in 2025

FN-4 "Physics"


Physical and engineering science and technology



Technical Physics

Physics of nanomaterials;

Spectral methods for data processing;

Physical thermodynamics and gas dynamics


FN-5 "Chemistry"


Chemical Engineering


Chemical technology

Nanochemistry and chemical technology of nanomaterials


FN-11 "Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics"


Computer and Information Science


Mathematics and Computer Science



FN-12 "Mathematical Modeling"


Mathematics and Mechanics


Applied Mathematics

Information technology and artificial intelligence




4th Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

June, 25-27, 2025


   We are pleased to invite you to 4th Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “Nanochemistry and Emerging Nanotechnologies” (NanoChemTech-2025) to be held at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Faculty of Fundamental Sciences from June 25 till 27, 2025 with both in-person and online attendance options.

   NanoChemTech-2025 is one of the important annual events aimed at the discussion of the fundamental problems of modern Nanochemistry and creation of the emerging Nanotechnologies for developing of smart functional nanomaterials with new potential applications in microelectronics, photonics, catalysis, including artificial metamaterials with unique optical and magnetic properties. The Conference topics include also the questions of promotion of the ecologically friendly (green nanotechnologies) and the development of the innovation and digital technologies of the tuition of chemistry and nanochemistry at the Universities. The special conference seсtion will be devoted to the problems of energy saving and resource efficient engineering in low-tonnage chemical production, discussing the questions of conversion from the laboratory level to the low-tonnage chemical production of nanotechnological products. Researchers from across the globe will have the opportunity to share their latest findings, exchange ideas and contribute to discussions shaping the future and challenges of the field. The accepted conference papers will be published in Scopus-indexed proceedings ensuring broad visibility and impact.


Field of study



Number of state-funded places/number of fee-paying places in 2024

FN-1 "Higher Mathematics"


Mathematics and Mechanics


Applied Mathematics

Mathematical modeling of systems and processes


FN-2 "Applied Mathematics"


Mathematics and Mechanics


Applied Mathematics

Mathematical modeling, counting methods and software packages



FN-3 "Theoretical Mechanics"


Mathematics and Mechanics


Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling

Mathematical and numerical modeling of dynamic systems and processes;

Mathematical and numerical modeling of mechanical systems and dynamic processes



FN-4 "Physics"


Physical and engineering science and technology



Technical Physics



FN-7 "Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics"


Power engineering and thermal engineering


Power engineering and electrical engineering

Electrical engineering


FN-11 "Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics"

02.00.00 Computer and Information Science

02.03.01 Mathematics and Computer Science

Supercomputer modeling and artificial intelligence in engineering problems

Mathematical and computer modeling in economics


57 / 50


Mathematics and Mechanics


Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling

Mathematical and computer modeling in mechanics


FN-12 "Mathematical Modeling"


Mathematics and Mechanics


Applied Mathematics

Mathematical methods in artificial intelligence


XXIV International Conference Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory PIRT – 2025 

From July 7th to 10th, 2025 Bauman Moscow State Technical University will held the XXIV International Scientific Conference “Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory” (PIRT-2025).

   The PIRT conference is an international scientific event that was organized by the Faculty of Physics of the University of Liverpool and the University of Sunderland in 1988 and was first held at Imperial College London every two years, and since 2003 it has been held at Bauman University in Moscow. The main objectives of the conference are to discuss the physical, geometric, and mathematical interpretation of the theory of relativity, its experimental verification and discussion of alternative theories of gravity, optical methods for detecting gravitational waves, new effects of moving-media optics and relativistic electrodynamics, as well as astrophysical observations and space experiments.


Monday, 27 January 2025 18:37




Официальный канал Центра Выпускников МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана


Помогаем бауманцам общаться и развиваться



Чтобы получать информацию о всех мероприятиях для выпускников приглашаем Вас зарегистрироваться в Бауманской базе выпускников:

On December 2nd, the Academic Council of the Fundamental Sciences Scientific and Educational Complex held a ceremonial assembly to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Complex, which is the largest subdivision of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University


On November 1, at the closing of the forum "Russian Engineer" of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, a solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to winners and prize-winners of competitions for the best scientific work in physics and for the best scientific work in mathematics, published in 2023, was held



Summary of the "Space. Time. Civilization. STC-2024" International Scientific Conference,

Russia, India, Egypt, November 2nd-7th, 2024


The 2nd "Space. Time. Civilization. STC-2024" International Scientific Conference took place over the period from November 2nd to November 7th, 2024. For the first time ever the conference was simultaneously held in three countries: Russia, India and Egypt. The conference operation in Russia was organized by Bauman Moscow State Technical University. In India, the bulk of organizational activities was handled by Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (India), known as the entity that BMSTU signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with at the first STC-2023 conference, in 2023. Finally, in Egypt, it was the Egyptian Russian University that took on the organizer role


Wednesday, 25 September 2024 15:49

Space. Time. Civilization STC-2024


II International scientific conference

Space. Time. Civilization STC-2024


In 2024 Bauman Moscow State Technical University together with BITS-Pilani University will organize the II International scientific conference "Space. Time. Civilization. STC-2024", to be held in three countries simultaneously: India, Egypt and Russia from November 2nd to 7th, 2024.

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