25 years of Laboratory Practicum in Physics with elements of Student Research Work
The laboratory practicum on physics with elements of student research was established in 1992. The main objective of establishing was an inclusion of successfully studying 2nd year students and Physical Department graduates with aim of studying general physics course and elements of applied and experimental physics at a higher scientific methodological level using modern equipment and information technologies.
Куняева Мария Юрьевна
October 21, 2016 Prof. Istvan Hargittai and Prof. Magdolna Hargittai
October 21, 2016. Prof. Istvan Hargittai and Prof. Magdolna Hargittai (Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Budapest University of Technology and Economics visited Bauman University |
The Russian-Italian meeting devoted to the creation of a new-generation gravitational wave detector.
In 2008, the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences hosted a Russian-Italian meeting devoted to the creation of a new-generation gravitational wave detector. The meeting was attended by 13 research fellows of the Italian National Nuclear Physics Institute (INFN). |
Lectures by a prominent modern scientist Sir Rodger Penrose
April 2 and 4, 2013 Bauman University hosted lectures by the famous English scientist, professor from Oxford University Roger Penrose. |
Physical and Mathematical Issues in Advanced Technology Development (PhysMathTech - 2014)
November 17-19, 2014, the International Scientific Conference “Physical and Mathematical Issues in Advanced Technology Development (PhysMathTech - 2014)” was held marking the 50th anniversary of the Fundamental Sciences Research and Educational Complex at BMSTU. |
Конференция "Студенческая научная весна"
Кафедра Л3 приглашает всех желающих поприсутствовать на
конференции "Студенческая научная весна"
Тема: "Аддитивные технологии"
Конференция будет проводиться в ауд. 222Л
29 апреля в 13.50
Язык конференции: английский.
3rd and final tour of the National Students Contest in English for Engineering Universities
The 3rd and final tour of the National Students Contest in English for Engineering Universities took place in the BMSTU over the course of three days, March 16th to March 18th. The Linguistics Department had handled a vital aspect of the preparatory work, putting together all the tasks for the contestants. Over 60 students from all over the country came to take part in the competition. Our university was represented by a party of three (pictured above in the company of V.N.Shevchun, one of the contest administrators), which included Anastasia Skripacheva, a student of the Linguistics Department. We would like to congratulate our team who collectively scored first among others! Keep up the good work.
Follow the link to see an official announcement (in Russian) and a small selection of photos from the event: http://www.bmstu.ru/mstu/news/?newsid=3286
2 in 1: теория и практика преподавания английского языка на тренингах Школы педагогического мастерства OxBridge!